Thursday, May 29, 2008

I often tell my bosses that I learn more from readers than they learn from me, although I secretly hope the bosses think I’m just being modest.

But it’s the truth, and today we’ll talk about some topics that have been on your minds. Let me know about others we don’t get to. You’ll find my e-mail at the bottom of this column.


The initial mystery is wearing off and prices are dropping. The trend with my readers has been toward LCD sets, although plasma still is a popular choice.

The surprise for me is that many readers want to use an HDTV with just an antenna. There’s nothing wrong with that if you can survive without 100-plus channels of reruns and documentaries about bear cubs and spiders.

One plus is that over-the-air broadcasts offer the best HDTV signal -- better than you get with cable or satellite.

But some of you are bewildered by the latest marketing gimmick: special HDTV antennas.

That’s what it is, a gimmick. The best antenna for digital is the same as the best antenna for anything else: big and tall.

If you’re close to antenna sites you might eke by with rabbit ears. But if you’re going to avoid cable and satellite, I suggest an old-fashioned TV antenna (the kind that populated most roofs in the Leave it to Beaver days). If that seems unsightly, investigate an attic antenna. You get most of the advantages of an outside antenna without all that aluminum hanging over your house.


Speaking of TV, there’s another topic that came as a shock to me: VCRs. Mine are gathering dust in the basement. But many people still use them. And they worry whether they’ll work with digital TV signals next year.

The answer is no, unless you have the capability to convert the digital signal to analog. Converter boxes will do that. Besides, at least for a few years after the switch, cable companies are required offer service to those with old analog technology.

Still, VCR owners should really consider a digital video recorder. It’s truly a better solution, and one is often available as part of your cable service.


The Apple iPhone has done the impossible. Both my technically inclined readers and those who feel uneasy about high tech simply love the iPhone. You’re using it for wireless e-mail and for checking the Web. Each week I get mail from readers who now feel comfortable travelling without a laptop and a digital camera. The iPhone has become the Swiss Army Knife of technology.

Look for news from Apple in early June. Faster connections, a true built-in GPS system and more connectivity with business e-mail systems are likely to be coming. The iPhone is a rare example of a device that crosses lines of age and expertise -- a true winner.


While video is on my mind, let me tell you about a tiny video camera from Flip Video ( This may be the sleeper product of the decade. It didn’t catch my eye because, frankly, I’ve never figured out why I would want to make videos of anything.

But I’m finding out that — as often happens — I’m in the minority on this one. So I’ve purchased my first video camera since the days of tape. It’s a graduation present for the daughter of our neighbors.The camera is tiny, takes great video and comes with a built-in USB connector that lets you seamlessly dump the video into your computer.

Here’s what is capturing the hearts of readers. The camera is extremely easy to use and you’ll pay as little as $100 for a camera that holds 30 minutes of video, or $150 for one that holds 60 minutes. Make sure you check mass marketers like WalMart and Target.

Be aware that Sony sells a video camera called a Flip Video Camera. Use the Web site above to see the one I mean.


Another productcapturing hearts and minds: the $100 Roku Player that lets Netflix customers almost instantly download movies and watch them on their TVs -- no computer involved. You do, of course, need a high speed Internet connection.

These kind of players have been around for a while but until know haven’t gotten much traction. The killer features here are price and ease-of-use. Check out the Roku here:

OK, that’s a sampling of topics I’m hearing about from you, but I’m sure I missed some. What are some of the products that you’re trying that have made a difference for you? Let me know at